Friday, October 30, 2009

Just as I suspected!

Well, the Congress put out their version of health insurance reform yesterday and the bill that is going to clarify all of the problems with health insurance is in excess of one thousand nine hundred pages. I mentioned in an earlier post that the government that has created the most complicated tax collection code in the galaxy would be prone to doing the same thing with health insurance reform. I would say they are off to a great start. The IRS code currently has more words than the Bible. In fact, the number of pages in the code, according to some estimates, doubled from just over 26,000 pages in 1984 to almost 55,000 pages in 2003. I assume they are still counting trying to keep up with new revisions (or new ways to discriminate).

We know they are just getting started on this bill, so it is much like a new born baby, it will start gaining weight as it soon as it is able to begin suckling off of it's "birth mother" our Federal Government. Just like a new born, when it really has a chance to open it's eyes and flex it's new found powers of control, it will grow bigger and stronger everyday.

Polls show a growing number of people in all sectors of the voting population to be increasingly opposed to this type of overhaul. Undaunted, Pelosi, Reed, and the gang push forward just as parents tend to do when they "know what is best for the children." How silly of us to form our own opinions. I am not anti government, but I am smart enough to see that everything, absolutely everything, I'll say it again, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, the Federal Government touches costs more than is estimated, and grows way beyond the boundaries that are initially promised. I cannot think of one thing, one program, that our government has done to save us money. Even when they cut the budget, it's only a cut in the rate of growth. The government is like the lady who went to the mall and saved 50% on a $1,200.00 coat. Right away she went to work trying to figure out where to spend the $600.00 she had "saved."

This current headlong charge by our representatives in Washington to seize powers that are completely outside of our Constitution is only the largest and latest example of our slide toward Socialism. Even if you ignore the leadership of this President, tell me how the high-speed expansion of powers and programs outside the Constitution are anything but a slide in that direction. Our Constitution was designed to limit the powers of government, but the current batch of people up there now certainly don't want the facts to get it in the way of their grab for power. ALL of our representatives on both sides of isle have proven themselves to be less than honest. Some are in favor of the current legislation, some are opposed to the current legislation. The dirty secret that no one is talking about, is that they are ALL in favor of some type of power grab of the health insurance industry. The insurance industry controls more money than banking. The all want to get their grubby little mitts on it! They all talk as if some sort of legislation is a foregone conclusion! No matter how the bill turns out, even if it is limited in the governments eyes, it will be a massive transfer of power to Uncle Sam that we may never be able to get back.

Our bodies and therefore decisions on our health care are sacred! The choice of plans that finance our health care is a choice we have made. We vote with our pocketbooks. We simply need to change our buying habits and the system will adjust. It always has.

Where is the gang that has the bumper stickers that say "it's my body, not your choice" or "Keep your laws off my body." If government controls what procedures are covered and how much the doctor gets paid, then your healthcare will not be your choice!

And by the way, the current bill says it will cover 95% of the population. By my count that is approaching 20,000,000 million uninsured after this "baby" goes into effect. I thought that was whole driving force behind this bill, to cover the uninsured.

Am I missing something here?

Have a winning day!


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