Friday, August 21, 2009

Change is hard

As I was prospecting for business the other day I realized just how difficult it is for people to change. Asking people to consider a change in how they run their business is like asking them to change their favorite sports team. It is personal. It is a pride issue. It is a fear issue, but change is inevitable. I am reminded of a story I heard Zig Ziglar relate many years ago.

A young married couple was busy preparing for a holiday dinner. As the wife pulled a ham out of the fridge she called for her husband to come and cut the end off the ham. Dutifully, the young man did as instructed and upon completing the task asked his wife, "why do we always cut the end off of the ham?" His wife replied "I don't know. It is just what my mother always did." The husband, not satisfied with that answer, immediately called his mother-in-law and asked "why do you always cut the end off of the ham?" The mother-in-law replied, "Because my mother always cut the end off the ham." Immediately he called grandmother and asked, "Grandma, why do you always cut the end off the end of the ham?" She replied, "because I had a small pot!"

Sometimes we do things and we don't know why. It is just the way we do it. New ideas open doors and minds. If you have not reviewed your current practices for managing employees performance, retention, cost containment and liability exposure because you have it covered "just like you always have", maybe it is time to have a fresh look at outsourcing.

1 comment:

  1. Great point, Steve! In my life, status quo has always been best represented by "sleep." Getting up and going to the gym is hard to do in the morning. I would RATHER sleep-in, and it is so easy to do. However, I get greater benefits if I rouse myself out of bed and get active.

    On a side-note, a grumpy friend, who always makes fun of how early I get up once quipped, "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!"
