Clearly the heath insurance situation for Americans needs some repairs. If my car, a Saturn, is not running well my first thought is not to replace it with a Rolls Royce--something I can't afford and don't need. My first thought is to find out what the problem REALLY is and allow someone that specializes in that particular specialty fix it. People used to joke that when the ashtray was full on a B-52 the military just replaced replaced the plane rather than emptying the ashtray.
It seems that a good portion of the population is ready to scrap the plane rather than to simply empty the ashtray. Are we trying to give health insurance coverage to the non covered or are we trying to cover everyone in the country with health insurance? Lets first identify the problem, then implement a solution!
I heard some of the best philosophy I have ever heard on this matter from Dennis Miller, the comedian, on the Bill O"Reilley show recently. Miller said "we need to separate the helpless from the clueless. No one has a problem with helping the helpless, but we don't need to help those that have no desire to take care of themselves." That is good logic!
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